Redwood Falls
Vision Statement
To build upon the strong heritage and natural beauty of Redwood Falls while offering progressive opportunities that embrace and engage a diverse community that allows the city to thrive for generations to come.
One of the primary functions of a city is providing a transportation network to move goods and people to, from, through and within the city.
The City of Redwood Falls is a hub for vehicular traffic within the area. State Highways, 19, 67 and US Highway 71 run through the city. Other county routes, some of which area state-aid, also traverse through the city. Some routes are also designated as municipal state aid routes, which makes them eligible for partial DOT funding.
The City owns and operates the Redwood Falls Municipal Airport. The construction of a new hangar supports the activity of this valuable community asset.

The nearby Minnesota Valley Regional Railroad Authority Railroad primarily transports agricultural commodities. The track includes 95 miles that run from Norwood to Hanley Falls. The track is leased to the Minnesota Prairie Line, a subsidiary of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad. An aspiration of the MVRAA is to provide passenger rail service to connect the region with the Twin Cities. The service would not necessarily be geared toward regular commuter traffic, but instead toward recreational sightseeing and/or dinner-theater tours.
Build for Your Future
The City of Redwood Falls has the land you've been looking for! Contact us today to learn how to get your project started.