Small towns are the perfect place to live, work and play in, especially during the summertime! The next few months have quite a variety of events to attend with your family and friends. Throughout the next few months, use this listing as a reference for some of the big happenings in Redwood Falls for the summer.
Events in May
NightFalls happened on May 2 through 4 from 8:30pm-11pm. For 3 nights only you have a chance to explore the park in the dark and see it lit up with over 400,000 lights! There were some amazing light displays by local businesses & organizations. This event was hosted by Celebrate Redwood Falls Falls.
Friends of the Park Photo Contest
Friends of the Park is hosting another photo contest from May 8 through 29. There are multiple categories that are described on the Friends of the Park Facebook page, so start taking advantage of any photo opportunities in the park!
Evening of the Stars
The Evening of the Stars occurred on May 15, 2024 at the Estebo Performing Arts Center. Redwood Area Dollars for Scholars Orrin S. Estebo Chapter hosts the Evening of the Stars scholarship award program. This year an astonishing $130,650 was awarded to RVHS seniors and graduates currently in college.
Medallion Hunt at Ramsey Park
The Medallion Hunt in Ramsey Park is back on May 30 through June 5. Keep your eyes open starting May 30 with some hiking and searching in Ramsey Park!

Events in June
Redwood Speedway Races
Redwood Speedway is a fast half mile moderate banked dirt track located in Redwood Falls Minnesota. Sunday night races are set to begin on June 2.
Jamboree Picnic Dinner
The Friends of the Park Jamboree Picnic Dinner will be held on June 5 from 4:30-6:30pm in Ramsey Park. They will do the cooking so families can get food and find a place to relax and enjoy it in the park. All proceeds from the meal benefit Ramsey Park.
Summer Splash
Each year Celebrate Redwood Falls brings the community together to enjoy the summer through a number of events from June 21 to June 23, 2024. From the parade on Friday evening to the Fly in Pancake Breakfast on Sunday and everything in between, Summer Splash is the event of the season!
Vicky’s Camp N Country Jam
Vicki’s Camp N Country Jam is an amazing and unique 3-day Festival on June 27-29, 2024 that hosts national & regional country music artists annually, in a beautiful country setting…“in the corn field”…near Redwood Falls, MN. Vicki’s Camp N Country Jam is much more than a camping and music festival, which gives the ultimate experience to all attendees.
Events in July
4th of July in Morton
Celebrate Independence Day in our neighboring city with a parade at 3pm on Main Street, family fun activities during the day, Morton Fire Department Pork Chop Feed and fireworks to end the day. Learn more at the City of Morton website.
29th Annual Ag Ribeye Open
Help the Redwood Area Chamber Ag Committee raise scholarship funds for Redwood County high school seniors pursuing post-secondary education in the field of agriculture. The 29th Annual Ag Ribeye Open will be held at the Redwood Falls Golf Club on Monday, July 15. Sign up and learn more.
Redwood County Fair
The Redwood County Fair is happening in Redwood Falls on July 18-21, 2024. All entertainment events are free with the purchase of admission to the fair. Grandstand events include bull riding, demolition, national music artists and more. Check out the fair schedule for all the details once the dates get closer.
13th Annual Pork Chop Open
The Redwood Area Chamber Ag Committee is organizing their annual 13th Pork Chop Open Golf Day. The golf tournaments are a great way to support and promote agriculture in our area, and help the Chamber Ag Committee raise funds for their scholarship program, all while promoting your business. Sign up for the July 25 Pork Chop Open Golf Day at the Farmer’s Golf & Health Club in Sanborn.
Additional Summer Events
As more events are rolled out or you see events that we are missing, please let us know and we will get them added by using the form below.