Lake Redwood is excited to welcome a brand new fishing pier! Installation has been completed with the joint efforts of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the City of Redwood Falls and the pier is ready for use. The DNR paid for the fishing pier and gifted it to the City with the understanding that the City will care and maintain the fishing pier.
About Lake Redwood
The lake was dredged in 2022 to restore it to its original depths and allow for more recreation. The process of dredging the lake began in April and was completed in October. The dredging crew removed 650,000 cubic yards of sediment and restored the majority of the 67 acre lake to its original depth of 20 feet. The 8.2 million dollar project was funded through a variety of sources including the state and a local commitment from the City of Redwood Falls.
What fish can you catch in Lake Redwood?

Lake Redwood is home to many different varieties of fish. Anglers can pursue Bigmouth Buffalo, Black Bullhead, Black Crappie, Bluegill, Carp, Channel Catfish, Northern Pike, Walleye, White Crappie and Yellow Perch in Lake Redwood.
According to, other fish species that habit Lake Redwood include Blackside Darter, Bluntnose Minnow, Common Shiner, Fathead Minnow, Golden Redhorse, Green Sunfish, Hybrid Sunfish, Johnny Darter, Orangespotted Sunfish, Shorthead Redhorse, Silver Redhorse, Spotfin Shiner, Tadpole Madtom and White Sucker.
New Fishing Pier
The DNR purchased a 40 foot pier, which has a 10 foot gangplank that is constructed out of wood with a metal frame and wooden rails on the sides. Originally the pier was anticipated to be installed in spring of 2023, however, the floats were on backorder and ultimately delayed the installation by a year. In mid-May 2024, the City of Redwood Falls set up the pier at the Perks Park for everyone to enjoy just in time for the fishing opener the weekend of May 10-11, 2024.
The City of Redwood Falls will be responsible for the setting up and taking down of the pier every year as well as doing the minor maintenance required for the pier. This will be the only cost inquired from the city as a result of this pier donation from the DNR.