August 2023 Update
Redwood Area Schools issued an RFP for the demolition of Wood Dale Nursing Home per their new school plan. See plan detailed out below.
The bids came back higher than anticipated. Therefore the school elected to wait until the winter season in an attempt to achieve off season savings. In the meantime they are working to secure fencing around the site to secure the site for the duration of the project.
Even though summer is in full swing, Redwood Area Schools have been busy preparing for the start of the new elementary school build.
Referendum Passes
After the proposed bond referendum failed to pass in August 2022, a slightly more conservative proposal was passed in April of 2023. Redwood Area Schools district residents voted 1137 yes to 1059 no in favor of a bond referendum which enables the district to build a new prek-4th grade elementary building on the current Reede Gray site.
The Process of Building a New Elementary School
As expected, building and equipping a $46 million dollar facility requires an extensive planning and execution process. In conjunction with a number of partners including Wold Architects and Kraus-Anderson Construction, Redwood Area Schools anticipates the following process:

Planning is currently in the schematic design mode and relies heavily on the input and assistance from the Core Planning Group.
Core Planning Group
In addition to school board members and school leadership, this multi-step process of building a new elementary school also consists of involvement from a diverse group of stakeholders. This group has been convened by invitation from the school board and school leadership to ensure that the new building meets the needs of everyone as well as the ability to scale should the district grow.
The core planning group consists of community members, school board members, parents, elderly community members, special education specialists, early childhood specialists, and technology professionals.
Demolition of Former Wood Dale Nursing Home
Recommended space requirements for a new elementary school build for a school this size with our enrollment is 14 acres according to the Minnesota Department of Education. For this reason, the vacated property of Wood Dale Nursing Home was purchased in December of 2022.
In addition, the summer of 2023 will also include demolition of the former Wood Dale Nursing Home. The existing structure is not suitable for the purpose of a new school.

Class is in Session
Classes will continue at the existing Reede Gray Elementary School building during the construction of the new school. The new building is anticipated to welcome new students and staff in the Fall of 2025.
Learn More
See more information in the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Bond 2023 information and watch for quarterly updates on the project on the Redwood Area Schools website.