Housing and Business Development Project Update

The community of Redwood Falls is excited about the new housing and business development. Plans are taking shape and we’ve had a few questions about progress and timelines. Now that warmer weather is around the corner, here is an overview of the housing and business development project update.

Current Status of Development Project

As residents of Minnesota, we know we can generally expect construction delays due to weather. Because we’ve had a snowy, cold winter, progress has been stalled temporarily.

To date, progress has definitely been made within the housing and business developments. Water and sewer were installed as of November 2022, and the storm water system is nearly complete.

When Will Work on the Project Start Up Again?

A lot of things are quite dependent on what the Minnesota spring weather has in store for the area. However, we anticipate that earthwork will start up again once the snow has melted and the site dries up.

Another important factor is the road restrictions. Generally, road restrictions are lifted sometime around the middle of May. Once the snow melts and road restrictions are removed, residents will see signs of earthwork shortly after that.

What Kind of Work Will Be Done This Spring?

When the project work gets the green light this year, there will be plenty of things to do. There’s a significant amount of grading that will need to be done along with plenty of digging for stormwater pond development. Plus, storm sewer piping will also need to be laid.

Beyond moving earth to prepare for businesses and homes at the development, the road base will also need to be developed and prepared. Road base construction is likely to run from May through September in 2023.

Sometime in late summer or early autumn, concrete curbs, gutters, and catch basin work will start. We expect to start paving this autumn as well.

Future Progress Updates on the Business and Housing Development

As soon as it is safe to begin work this spring, we will continue to make progress on development at The Homes of Reflection Prairie and Reflection Ridge Business Park. Significant progress has been made already and we know residents and business owners are looking forward to seeing work begin at the development sites this spring. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.

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